On Friday night we went to Halloween Nights at Greenfield Village. It was raining and pretty cold but we braved it anyway... and man was it worth it. I thought it was great and better weather would have made it that much more fun. The village was all spooked out. Jackolanterns lined the street , which surprisingly, with all of the rain they stayed lit. People were dressed up passing out candy treats and there were spooky vignettes setup throughout the village. At the end there was a Sleepy Hollow forest with a swamp monster but it was too dark there to get a good picture. It was all very neat and I can't wait to go back, in better weather conditions I hope though.

Henry Fords Ghost

Pumpkin Head

Mad Scientist Lab

A Spooky house

Thomas Edison

Another Spooky House

My little monster

Skeletons playing bones in the Gazebo

Some of the Jacks

A scarecrow setup..what we didnt know was the one in the left background was actually a person and he jumped out and scared us!

A wailing ghost

A picture of waterlogged us to prove we were actually there in this awful weather...YIKES! We look pretty awfull too.

The waterwheel

The headless horseman of Sleepy Hollow.

Mommy and her tired little monster