Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mommy's 6 month old Lil cowboy

I can't beleive my little man is 6 months old all ready! He is trying to crawl, rolling all over the floor and grabbing everything. It won't be long before I am chasing him all over the house.
I started him on solid foods a couple weeks ago and it is no suprise at all, being Dave's son, that he has loved everything I give him. I have been gradually increasing the amount I give him and one day I thought I made way too much but low and behold he ate all of it without any hesitation or hint of being full. So needless to say he gets very excited when it is time to eat now and very mad if I don't get it in his mouth fast enough.


Katie and Jon said...

So cute! These pics will make a great scrapbook page. I can't wait until we go in August.

Shanna said...

Thanks! I have so many pictures. I dont know how you ever found time to scrapbook when Owen was a baby. Drake never naps!!!!!!

Jenna said...

Great pictures, Shanna!